The Royal Canadian Legion’s annual Poppy Campaign is underway. The campaign offers Canadians a way to support veterans and is a meaningful way to show our remembrance of those who died in our country’s service.

The Legion’s mission is “to serve Veterans, including serving military and RCMP members and their families, to promote Remembrance, and to serve our communities and our country.” The Poppy Fund, which includes all monies raised through the Poppy Campaign, may only be used in service to veterans—none of it goes to operating expenses for Legion branches.

Local branches often disburse their funds to directly help a veteran with a particular need. Every branch has a volunteer Service Officer: an important point of contact for veterans who need help with certain expenses, or who need referrals to available resources, or who need someone to help them navigate through the system.

The Legion Service Bureau is an amazing lifeline for veterans and their families. The Bureau is staffed with professional service officers who are thoroughly familiar with government programs and entitlements as well as community resources. If there is money or other help available for a veteran, the Service Officers know where to find it and how the Vet can get it.

Canadians can be forgiven for thinking of their local Legion branch as a beer hall or social gathering-place. Many branches fill the function of providing a welcoming space for members and the community to meet and socialize. These activities are funded through membership dues, bar sales, and other fundraising efforts.

But the Poppy Fund doesn’t pay for darts night or the Grey Cup party. The Poppy Fund is there strictly to offer help and hope to veterans—all veterans, whether they are Legion members or not.

Please wear a poppy between now and November 11. If you can, please attend the Remembrance Day service in your community. 

And please consider joining your local Legion branch as a regular member (veteran) or as an associate. You will find a warm welcome.