Lakeland communities are ready to celebrate Alberta Seniors Week from June 3 to June 9.
Organizations all over the region have activities planned to welcome older adults to get together and socialize. Many events include entertainment, information, and of course food.
St. Paul Regional FCSS and Family Resource Network will host lunchtime celebrations in St. Paul, Heinsburg, Mallaig,Elk Point, and Ashmont on Monday through Friday, respectively. The gatherings will include a light lunch, entertainment, games, and useful information. Admission is free, but registration is required: call (780) 645-5311 to register.
Bonnyville Seniors’ Drop-In Centre has a full week planned, starting with a pancake breakfast Sunday and a Seniors’ Social Friday evening. In between they are hosting sports, games, chair yoga, and other activities. See The Roundup on page 20 for more details.
Other Bonnyville activities include Aquafit at the pool, a golf special at Bonnyville Golf Course on Monday, and an informative session on Palliative and End of Life Care at Extendicare Monday evening.
A lunch will be served for a small charge at Glendon Seniors Hall on Sunday, June 9.
In Cold Lake, the week will start with a pancake breakfast at Cold Lake and District FCSS on Monday. The FCSS has information sessions planned all week including presentations on emergency preparedness, seniors’ first aid, and a visit by the “Man Van”—a mobile clinic offering blood-test screening for prostate cancer.
The FCSS is also giving an ice cream social at Long-Term Care June 4.
Age Friendly Cold Lake will host its popular barbecue luncheon June 4, and the Cold Lake Seniors Society offers an art class and floor curlingJune 6 with a luncheon in between.
There will be sports and recreation activities at the Energy Centre Friday June 7, along with flower arranging, bingo games, and a barbecue lunch.
Call your local municipality, seniors club, or other organization for more details.